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Medicine Hat EMS encouraging sun safety during heat wave

Jul 4, 2017 | 5:11 PM


MEDICINE HAT, AB – Whether it’s a day at the beach or just a jump through the sprinkler, Medicine Hat residents of all ages are getting active and basking in the hot weather.

Temperatures have been well over 30 degrees over the last few days, easily the warmest weather of the year to this point.

And according to Environment Canada’s Kirk Torneby, that’s not likely to change anytime soon.

“Daytime highs from anywhere from 35 to 37 degrees through the week, through the weekend,” said Torneby. “And as we move into next week, kind of the stagnant pattern aloft is expected to remain. So, those high temperatures are expected to continue all the way through next week as well.”

While catching some rays can be good for your health, too much can cause overheating, exhaustion, and even heat stroke.

The most serious form of heat injury, it can cause a lack of energy, a lack of sweating, confusion, and can even be fatal in some cases if left untreated.

Plenty can be done to prevent overheating, including wearing hats, finding shade, and particularly staying hydrated with water or juice.

Local families we spoke with said they were taking the proper precautions for their kids, especially with the heat warning in effect.

“We got sunscreen on, we got water with us, hats, helmets, they’re wearing shorts so they’re not getting exhausted from the heat,” said Amos Bradt. “So, it’s very important to keep them safe.”

EMS add to stay away from caffeinated beverages and alcohol, as both have a tendency to cause dehydration faster.

Kids and seniors aren’t the only ones that are most susceptible to heat stroke, as those working summer jobs like construction or roofing are out in the sun all day.

According to Walcer, constant breaks are needed in these fields for a productive, safe work day.

“It’s easy when you’re busy to forget about looking after yourself,” said Walcer. “But, with extremes in temperature like what we’re having, it’s more important than ever.”

As long as residents take the proper precautions, EMS are encouraging people to enjoy the great outdoors this month.

“Enjoy the warm weather, this is summer in Southern Alberta. So, have a good time but look after yourself.”