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Municipal elections across Alberta will take place on Oct. 20, 2025.

Residents have already started declaring their intent to run. No current member of council has confirmed if they will attempt to be re-elected.

Candidates List

No one has filed nomination forms at this time, according to the City of Medicine Hat’s candidate list. However, these residents have declared their intent to run.

Intent to run for mayor

Calvin Maltin

Intent to run for councillor

Stephen Campbell

Kelly Allard

Municipal Election

The race to the finish: Candidates spend last weekend vying for more votes
MEDICINE HAT, AB-- The clock is ticking to election day and over the weekend, candidates were busy canvassing the city hoping to secure more votes come October 18."I've got some volunteers here, there is about a dozen of us putting out the last postcards at the door," said council candidate Brian Dueck,"...
Oct 17, 2021
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vying for term two
Redcliff Mayor Kilpatrick hoping for another term
REDCLIFF, AB- With the election occurring on Monday, Redcliff Mayor Dwight Kilpatrick is hoping to earn enough votes to secure another term."I've been out doing door-to-door dropping off pamphlets. I've had some excellent helpers doing the same. We haven't got the whole town done yet but we've got a good half or t...
Oct 17, 2021
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Mayoral candidates Clugston and Clark speak to their chances on election day
MEDICINE HAT, AB - The two candidates leading an informal online CHAT News poll spoke today about the campaign so far, and about about their chances come Monday.Ted Clugston and Linnsie Clark are running for the job of mayor."I bet all of the candidates for council or mayor wish it was over, can' t wait for it to ...
Oct 15, 2021
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Free rides on Monday to help get voters to polling stations
MEDICINE HAT, AB - The City of Medicine Hat is taking steps to make voting easier for residents on Election Day. The city is waiving ridership fees on Medicine Hat Transit and special transit for Monday, Oct. 18.Manager of transit services Mike Spicer says removing a potential barrier could get more people to the polls...
Oct 15, 2021
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Jay Hitchen chose digital signs only
Council candidate opts not to place campaign signs on lawns or roadways
MEDICINE HAT, AB - The signs of next Monday's civic election are everywhere, and can be seen along nearly every available space on major roads in Medicine Hat.But one candidate for city council has made a conscious choice not to put out signs.Jay Hitchen said he struggled with the decision, but opted to go digital inst...
Oct 15, 2021
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Gale, Kilpatrick, Payne and Reimer
Four candidates running for mayor of Redcliff
REDCLIFF, AB - As election day nears, candidates are busy campaigning for votes.Over in Redcliff, four people are running for mayor.One of the candidates they can choose from is Shawna Gale. She's been a resident of Redcliff for 25 years and would be the first female mayor of the town."Since that time I've lived h...
Oct 14, 2021
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