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Medicine Hat city council, in short agenda, to consider two items Monday

Jan 6, 2025 | 8:00 AM

Medicine Hat city council will tonight consider approving a budget amendment policy and vote on cancelling the construction of public washrooms that were planned for Towne Square, according to the meeting’s short agenda.

Budget Amendment Policy #0183 creates a formal process for handling changes to the city’s approved budget.

The bylaw will allow for adjustments made necessary in the case of significant changes in financial assumptions, service levels or funding sources, city staff write in a report to council.

It also addresses the need for amendments in response to unforeseen initiatives, emergencies or critical infrastructure repairs.

The proposed policy doesn’t take away council’s required approval for changes that increase or decrease the overall budget, and sometimes by extension, the tax rate increase for residents.

It does however empower the chief administrator, Ann Mitchell, with the ability to make urgent expenditures for emergencies or power plant repairs with the requirement she report to council after the fact.

Staff write the proposed policy is important to properly document the budget amendment process “to ensure relevant legislation and City bylaws are satisfied.”

Staff write that if the city does not approve the policy, it “may diminish transparency and accountability on changes to the approved budget as well as operational flexibility.”

Towne Square washroom

City council set aside $540,000 of debt funding in the 2023 capital budget for building a washroom at Towne Square, located across the street from city hall.

The project was delayed as other public washroom options were explored. Now, community development staff are recommending that Medicine Hat cancel the initiative entirely.

As part of the development of Towne Square, water and sewer services were brought into the site to support future development on the property, staff write in a report coming to council Monday.

READ: Council approves removal of downtown sea cans

Given the location of the sewer lines, a permanent Town Square washroom facility would need to be built midway through the canopy length and partially under the roof, according to the report.

That would interrupt the functionality and aesthetics of the public
space, write staff.

Also, the parking lot — a revenue-generating source for the city — would need to be torn up to relocate the lines for better placement.

Those factors mean the project would go over budget, staff said.

Additionally, staff and police “anticipate an attendant or security would be required at a newly constructed facility at Towne Square to protect the asset and manage behaviour.”

The city has been adjusting its approach to Towne Square in recent months. In November, council approved the removal of the sea cans — or “market pods” — that once created a criticized “tin-can alley” under the canopy.

Monday’s meeting agenda appears to reveal that council is getting closer to hiring an integrity commissioner. The search started last fall after council approved an updated code of conduct.

In a closed meeting earlier on Monday, council will discuss “integrity commissioner evaluations”, but, as usual for the private sessions, no other details are shared in the agenda.

The public meeting gets underway at 6:30 p.m. and can be watched in-person at Medicine Hat City Hall or via the city’s YouTube channel.