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Dog parks suspected

Alarm over rising number of kennel cough cases in Medicine Hat

Feb 9, 2021 | 12:34 PM

MEDICINE HAT, AB – Cases of kennel cough are spiking in Medicine Hat.

Posts over the weekend in the Saratoga and Westvue Dog Parks Facebook page warned dog owners of an outbreak of kennel cough in the city and claimed Saratoga Dog Park to be the principal source.

Kennel cough is a contagious virus that causes an upper respiratory infection in dogs.

At Cypress View Veterinary Clinic, office manager Tammy Duggan says they’re seeing about three cases per day for the past week to 10 days. She has previously described the cough as “kind of a honking sound” and that there are great videos online where people can hear the sound.

Though mainly airborne, the virus can be spread through community bowls and toys like those in the Saratoga and Westvue dog parks.

Natalie Weir, Superintendent of Parks Operations for the city, says they haven’t heard many concerns about Westvue but are concerned about Saratoga.

As a start, the community bowls have been removed.

“Poo Patrol is a contracted service of ours, they do look after some things at our dog parks and we did request that they remove those bowls because that could be a place where people, you know if your animal is using the same bowl as an animal that has kennel cough they could also get sick,” she said.

Weir adds the city doesn’t have specific rules and regulations on kennel cough but it is covered under the general rules and regulations for dog park use.

“We just want to reiterate the signage that we have at our parks, they do state to stay home if your dog is sick or showing symptoms of being sick and just with regards to there’s no dogs in heat allowed, no dogs exhibiting violent behaviour,” she says

All dogs must have up to date vaccination and rabies shots if they are using the park facilities, she adds.

Other rules and regulations:

  • collect dog waste immediately
  • fill in holes that pets have dug
  • owners must be in the park to supervise and maintain control of their dogs physically and verbally at all times
  • all City of Medicine Hat residents’ pets must be licensed
  • children under 13 are required to have supervision
  • leash your dogs before entering and leaving the park
  • off-leash area users are subject to the Responsibility of Pet Ownership bylaw #3935 and parks bylaw #2527.

When it comes to kennel cough, Duggan says humidity is your friend.

“With the cold air that is happening right now that could be part of the thing that keeps it going. So get the humidity up in your house or if he has a cough get him into a steamy bathroom that might help to soothe things a bit,” she says. “And don’t hesitate to check in with your veterinarian.”

She also says people should doublecheck to make sure all pet vaccinations are up to date