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Kid wit: Dad measures baby’s growth with cheesesteaks

Jan 4, 2018 | 2:30 PM

PHILADELPHIA — A Philadelphia father put the city’s signature sandwich to use in a whole new way: measuring his baby’s size in cheesesteaks. reports Thursday that computer programmer Brad Williams used a foolproof system he calls “Cheesesteak for Scale” to measure the growth of his son during the child’s first year in 2015.

It started when he noticed his 2-week-old, Lucas Royce, was about the same size as a cheesesteak he’d brought home. So Williams snapped a picture of the sandwich next to his newborn and the tradition was born.

Every month for the next year Williams and his wife would buy a cheesesteak to track their growing boy .

He says babies and cheesesteaks are quite similar. He says they are warm and cuddly when wrapped up “but once you unwrap them, expect a huge mess.”


Information from:,

The Associated Press