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'Rider House' in Medicine Hat receives gift from anonymous giver in honour of deceased father. Jayk Sterkenburg/CHAT News

House adorned with Roughrider memorabilia in Medicine Hat receives mysterious gift

Jan 27, 2025 | 3:00 PM

A local resident recently received a box on the doorstep to her home from an anonymous gift-giver.

Her’s isn’t any regular home, however. Many know it as the ‘Rider House’, characterized by its pronounced decorating with Saskatchewan Roughriders furnishings.

The house represents the team inside and out, and has brought joy to many who have passed by.

Although the Roughriders may be located in the province next door, Medicine Hat local Rose Fritz and her husband have made their affection for the team known to those next door to them.

‘Rider House’ features Roughriders imagrey inside and out. Jayk Sterkenburg/CHAT News

Some unexpected visitors have also had their attention caught by the residents of the Rider House, as Fritz’ vehicle also sports decor for the team.

“I was driving in my car, and it’s covered with Saskatchewan Roughriders memorabilia,” Fritz said.

“Two guys in a car actually stopped me, and one of them was Logan Ferland, number 63 from the Riders. And they came and saw my collection, and took pictures, and signed some stuff for us.”

Logan Ferland (middle), offensive lineman for the Saskatchewan Roughriders, with Rose (right) and Jim (right) Fritz. Courtesy/Rose Fritz

Fritz said she herself has been an avid fan for the past 12 years, and that she and her husband’s collection has snowballed since. They are both from Shaunavon, Sask., and moved to Medicine Hat in 1992.

She said that last week, a package appeared at their door with no giver to be found.

“My husband messaged me, and showed me a picture of this box with this letter that was left on the front step,” she said.

“Inside of it was all of this Roughriders stuff, and a letter from a lady stating that her dad had passed away,” she added.

“She wanted to leave it to us because her dad had often admired our house and talked about it.”

Fritz said that a variety of new Roughriders memorabilia was in the box. Nothing like this had ever happened to them before.

A box containing Roughriders memorabilia appeared on Fritz’ doorstep. Jayk Sterkenburg/CHAT News

The handwritten letter in the box was from a fellow fan, honouring her father who had admired the house.

“‘Dear fellow Roughrider fans: My name is Lindsay, and our family are super-freaks of the Riders. Especially my parents. Recently my father passed away, and we found among his things this box of brand new Saskatchewan Roughrider merch,'” Fritz read from the letter.

“‘My dad was always a major admirer of your house, and we thought we would give it to people who would appreciate these items.'”

Fritz said that this is not something that happens every day. She said that the letter left with the gift really touched her, and made her very emotional.

“I started to cry. Because, obviously I’m sad because her dad passed. But I’m happy that our house brought joy to him. So, it was really nice of her to do that,” she said.

Fritz said that meeting Roughrider fans and people who you have that connection with make you feel like they’re your friends.

She hopes to meet the generous fan who left the gift someday.