Residents hear solar farm downsides at Medicine Hat ratepayers forum
Several speakers and ratepayer advocates argued against the validity of a solar farm project the City of Medicine Hat is trying to acquire the rights to during a town hall Thursday, warning of the impacts of weather and the unpredictability that comes with renewable energy sources.
The city has applied to the Alberta Utilities Commission for permission to purchase the rights to the Saamis Solar Park project launched by Ireland-based DP Energy, in an effort to make sure the initiative is controlled by taxpayers instead of a private business.
There is no guarantee the city would build the solar project if it acquires the rights to it, staff say. The city’s energy director said at a recent council meeting that staff won’t recommend construction “unless the financial numbers support doing a build.”
Officials have reiterated that all the details of the plan — including how much it would cost — would be revealed after the regulator makes a decision. Purchasing the project would also require final council approval.