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The two students hope to raise over $2,000. Warrengoldswain/

Medicine Hat high school students holding biking fundraiser for pediatric ward

Aug 4, 2024 | 7:00 AM

Two high school students are biking to raise money for the Medicine Hat Regional Hospital’s pediatric ward.

Saran Ramanujam and Kade Draganiuk, Grade 12 students at Medicine Hat High School, will bike 200 kilometres to Brooks with those that wish to join them in an attempt to fundraise over $2,000.

It’s the second year the pair have done their Wheels of Hope fundraiser, this time in collaboration with the Medicine Hat Health Foundation.

Saran Ramanujam, left, and Kade Draganick, right, are fundraising through a day-long bike trip. Ross Lavigne/CHAT News

“Community involvement is really important for the charity,” Ramanujam told CHAT News.

“So, I hope you can tell your friends, family and even your dog about this charity so everyone could donate towards this cause.”

The ride will take off from Medicine Hat on Aug. 25 at 6 a.m. and the two organizers said they hope to return by 8 p.m.

Those who don’t wish to go the full distance can turn around at Suffield, the organizers said.

To donate and learn more, visit the Wheels of Hope page.