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Manali Shanbhag at Thrive Physiotherapy and Wellness

‘Knowledge is power’: Medical experts in Medicine Hat encourage women to prioritize their health

Mar 19, 2024 | 3:52 PM

Women face distinct health challenges from men concerning reproduction, hormones and pregnancy.

Physiotherapist Manali Shanbhag said that women, especially busy mothers, often delay seeking help for their unique health concerns.

Shanbhag specializes in pelvic floor physiotherapy and her patients seek help for things like urinary and fecal incontinence or pelvic pain.

She told CHAT News that women and mothers often don’t prioritize their health due to social stigma.

“We have somehow associated bodily functions like with peeing, pooping and sexual dysfunction with shame and embarrassment, so people are afraid to open up about their problems,” Shanbhag said.

Shanbhag said lack of education in both individuals and in the medical field is also part of the issue.

“Women are routinely excluded from research studies because of hormonal fluctuations and that’s going to ‘add too many variables to the study,'” Shanbhag said.

On Tuesday, Shanbhag was with registered nurse Sarah Clarke prepping for a pelvic floor and push prep class they are holding.

Their mission with the class is to ensure women are more educated and confident going into labour and delivery.

Clarke, a registered nurse and mama coach, entered this field after experiencing firsthand the challenges and lack of resources for new mothers following the birth of her first child.

“It’s super important because we’re looking at health and wellness of the mother, and I really do believe if that mom is healthy, that whole family unit will thrive,” Clarke said.

Anna Wagman works at EmpowerMed clinic and is also a registered nurse.

She believes society is making progress in understanding women’s health but stresses the crucial next step: providing necessary resources.

“I think for so long we’ve just sucked it up and [been] told us that’s the way it is. You know, you’re gonna be uncomfortable when you have your period or, menopause is just menopause, it’s just a natural part of life and you just have to suck it up and get through it,” Wagman said.

Wagman mentioned that as a society, we now realize there are resources available to help women deal with challenges, so no one should be left to suffer.

“I think knowledge is power and if you are educated in yourself and what you need, it can really help your care plan,” said Wagman.

Colleen Sherven, nurse practitioner and also with EmpowerMed, said making women feel heard goes a long way at their clinic.

“It’s just a conversation where the women can say ‘this is what I’m feeling, can you just explain to me that this is maybe not normal, but common and that I’m not crazy,'” said Shervan.

All four women agree that by taking a holistic approach, listening, teaching, and talking openly, Medicine Hat can become more knowledgeable about women’s health.

“I have the skill set that can help people and I have this knowledge, so I don’t want to keep it to myself and I want to make a difference,” Shanbhag said.

Clarked added that making a difference should be a collective effort, not just on moms or women alone.

“Really, my end goal is I just want moms to feel supported,” Clarke said.

“I want families to feel supported and I want them to know that they’re not alone in their struggles.”

If you are seeking help with pelvic floor issues, Manali Shanbhag at Thrive Physiotherapy and Wellness can be contacted at (403) 487-6032.

If you are lookinng for prenatal, postnatal or lactation support, Sarah Clarke can be contacted at (403) 928-1654.

For pelvic floor concerns, education regarding hormones and much more, EmpowerMed Ltd can be contacted through social media @empowermed_mh.