Emergency response to help vulnerable in Medicine Hat find shelter from the extreme cold
With the combined freezing temperatures and an overutilization of shelter beds, Medicine Hat Community Housing Society (MHCHS) has activated an emergency response.
At least 25 individuals have been identified as unsheltered and at extreme risk of exposure. The MHCHS says it recently received substantial one-time funding from Infrastructure Canada to support those experiencing unsheltered homelessness and can not access the current emergency shelter. The reasons for the lack of access could be banning, physical inability, and/or adverse mental health behaviors.
The MHCHS is currently working with Alberta Health Services, Medicine Hat Police Service, The Salvation Army, and Housing Link to locate all those who are unsheltered and provide them with immediate safe, and warm housing during the winter months.
If you are aware of individuals sleeping outside and unable to access the emergency shelter, please contact us or bring them to Medicine Hat Community Housing so they can be supported.