Utility ratepayers association urges city council not to pass electric utility amendment
MEDICINE HAT — A group calling itself the Medicine Hat Utility Ratepayers Association is upset with a proposed interim rate plan city council is considering to address residents concerns around high utility prices.
The association released a letter addressed to a all members of city council dated October 8th, urging them to defeat Bylaw 4796. The bylaw which would amend the Electrical Utility Bylaw passed first reading at the last council meeting. It would see interim best market electric energy rates set in three month blocks.
The letter comes as council prepares to hold a public hearing into the proposed interim rate option during Monday’s council meeting.
The association points out that the city offered a fixed rate of 8 cents per kilowatt hour up to and including the month of June 2023. The city then announced, 6-month fixed rates contracts would no longer be offered and ratepayers could instead choose to lock in for 12 months. That contract was being offered at 16 cents, a 100 percent increase.