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Officials with SPCA and APARC present the benefits of a TNR program to city council (CHAT News photo Brendan Miller)

SPCA urges council to adopt a trap, neuter release program

Jul 5, 2023 | 2:54 AM

MEDICINE HAT, AB – Officials with the SPCA made a presentation to council on the benefits of adopting a trap, neuter and release (TNR) program.

The SPCA says a TNR program is the best way the city can reduce and manage its growing feral cat population.

Council learned a 2023 estimate from PetSmart Charities puts the city’s feral cat population at around 4,200.

“I think the nicest thing that we can do is spay and neuter them, give them that medical treatment and put them back to where they want to be doing what they want to be doing,” says Kaylee Getz, Animal Health Lead with the SPCA.

Getz says the TNR program would need to operate for more than five years to have an effect. Volunteers with the Canadian Animal Task Force are able perform the medical procedure for around $50 per cat.

The issue has been contentious after council voted to defeat the responsible pet ownership bylaw last month. City officials are working to make changes to the bylaw.

Recently many councillors including Shila Sharps and Ramona Robins say they have received backlash from members of the public.

“We need to bring this program in. We need to help these cats,” says animal advocate Linda Tooth. “I’m still feeding them and I’m going out everyday and it’s a growing population and they’re sick and they need our help.”

A petition created by the Animal Food Bank Foundation asking for the city to adopt a TNR program now has over 1,300 signatures.

(Photo courtesy Linda Tooth)

Coun. Darren Hirsch says he is still seeking more information from other sources before a decision can be voted on.

“Again I want to just have a balanced approach to this. Make sure we get information that is correct and not certainly ‘for any statistic I give you I can give you a counter statistic’ that sort of mantra all the time so we just want to do our due diligence when it comes to this issue because it is contentious for sure,” explains Hirsch.

Council is expected to receive that information by their next meeting on July 17. Hirsch says council could then potentially vote on adopting the TNR program as soon as August.