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Jehovah’s Witness convention draws in thousands of delegates from Alberta and Saskatchewan

Jun 16, 2023 | 4:44 PM

MEDICINE HAT – Thousands of Jehovah’s Witness delegates have gathered in Medicine Hat this weekend from Calgary, Lethbridge, and areas in Saskatchewan. For locals that usually travel for the conventions, this weekend is an opportunity to show off their hometown.

Brad Pramberg is a spokesperson for Jehovah’s Witnesses of Canada. He travelled from Calgary to ensure the weekend ran smoothly. He says throughout the convention there will be bible instruction, videos, reenactments and singing. There are about 50 Jehovah’s Witness conventions around Canada every year. Pramberg says that the City of Medicine Hat initially reached out about holding the convention at CO-OP place.

“So Medicine Hat reached out to us, and Medicine Hat wanted us here, so it’s always nice to work with somebody who wants to work with you. They definitely made it an easy decision for us to come here,” says Pramberg.

The theme of this convention is patience, something two Medicine Hat locals say benefits their experience as new parents.

Local Brooklyn Castro says, “for me personally what I’m excited about is ‘cuz as a mother and as a wife, I think you need a lot of patience and you can never have enough of it. So what I’m excited to learn is how I can keep improving on that quality to become a better mom, which is really really important to me.”

Outside of convention walls, locals say they were excited to show out-of-towners why they love Medicine Hat.

“So obviously Medicine Hat has it’s little special spots, and you just gotta go find ‘em. I think Kin Coulee is a really special example of that. Like just how to get it in there, it’s a little small, but as soon as you get in there it’s all open walks and trails, and it’s just beautiful in there,” says local Rhett Eckstein.

This is the first time Medicine Hat has hosted a Jehovah Witness Convention. Local Delaina Eckstein says she is used to seeing hockey jerseys in the stands of CO-OP place.

“We are usually at this venue for the Tiger’s games, and even then it’s a loud, fun place. But now we’re here for a different reason. Even still, it’s a fun place to be. Organized, clean, it’s always clean, and that’s what we love about it,” explains Delaina Eckstein.

She also praises the hotels of Medicine Hat for doing an impressive job welcoming delegates, something that has been appreciated by a couple from Calgary.

“We’ve driven through several times, but this is the first time we’ve stayed here and actually we’ve really been enjoying it,” says Tara Carter of Calgary.

Overall, spokesperson Brad Pramberg says he is happy with the convention turnout, and is hoping to host in Medicine Hat in the future.

“This is fantastic, this has been a great first day and we expect even more for Saturday and Sunday. But this has been so nice to come to Medicine Hat and be with our friends again,” he explains.

The convention will be running until Sunday, and again next weekend.