Agriculture minister says ‘wild investment’ could result from value-added tax credit
MEDICINE HAT, AB – Alberta’s agriculture and irrigation minister says an agri-processing tax credit will help attract large-scale investment, diversify the economy and create jobs, and could mean big things for southeastern Alberta.
“The south already has a mass concentration, especially that Highway 3 corridor is really Canada’s premium food corridor and we have 230,000 acres of new irrigation coming online in the next couple years,” says Nate Horner. “We think for that area specifically we’re going to see some pretty wild investment numbers in the coming months.”
On Tuesday, Horner announced the Alberta Agri-Processing Investment Tax Credit just outside of Calgary. It’s a 12 per cent non-refundable tax credit aimed at supporting growth within the ag industry that is due to be introduced in the spring budget.
He says agri-processing is anything that’s added value to a raw agricultural product, meat processing, a canola crush facility, or a flour mill.