Canadian Premier League raises minimum wage, rejigs salary structure
TORONTO — The Canadian Premier League is rejigging its salary structure and increasing its minimum player salary for next season.
The minimum salary in 2023 will be $30,000, up from $22,000 this season. The league is also separating its player and technical staff salary budget.
This year, teams operated under a “compensation cap” of $1.2 million per club. That total covered player wages, bonuses, and housing, as well as coaching and technical staff. The technical cap compensation had to fall between $350,000 and $550,000 for the season, with player compensation between $650,000 and $850,000.
Next season, the total player compensation budget must fall between $750,000 and $1.125 million. To reach the maximum, teams can use the league’s under-21 players incentive program. That provides salary cap relief on the first $200,000 of under-21 player compensation, with only 50 percent of an under-21 player’s salary counting toward the salary budget cap.