UCP leadership candidate Danielle Smith says Alberta should assert its autonomy like Quebec
Danielle Smith, candidate for the UCP nomination in Livingstone-McLeod, and leadership candidate for the United Conservative Party, says the province must become more independent from the federal government, similar to that of Quebec.
“We can’t continue to operate like we’re a junior partner in confederation,” said Smith, at the Sylvan Lake Golf and Country Club on Tuesday.
“Doing all of the things that Quebec has done to assert its autonomy, collecting its own income tax, asserting its sovereignty to make decisions over its own area of jurisdiction, talking to Albertans about a provincial pension plan, collecting our own employment insurance, having our own provincial police; these are all things that we need to be having a conversation about.”
Smith was the first guest in the Sylvan Lake Golf and Country Club’s newest “Sylvan Lake Speaker Series”, discussing various political topics with locals.