Mad Hatter & Happy Hatter – May 3
Mad Hatter
To the spoiled child flying the Canadian flag upside down on his big rig truck on 13th ave, trying to protest your right to breathe is impeded by a flimsy mask. You and your self centered friends can take a flying hike right outta Canada. You’re an ignorant and disrespectful sod. SHAME ON YOU. Try living somewhere your actual rights don’t mean anything you egotistic brat.
Mad Hatter
I know these restrictions suck and I am also very tired of them but I understand that they are for the good of all. For those businesses that are not going to follow the AHS guidelines and stay open know that I will never shop in your store now or in the future. If you don’t care about my health then I don’t care about your wealth! We are a community folks lets start acting like one.