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Mad Hatter & Happy Hatter – March 1

Mar 1, 2021 | 3:00 AM

Mad Hatter

Government needs to reinstate the legislation that protected Alberta’s environment! The Foothills of the Rockies are not for sale!!!

Mad Hatter

The Leader says that members of his caucus can voice their opinions even if these opinions are different from those of the government. The government should oppose the idea of white supremacy held by one of your members. This idea should have no place in your government.

Mad Hatter

This Government thinks that it doesn’t need to consult Albertans !!! Wrong!! Albertans are tired of the Government trying to implement dumb decisions that they then are forced to rescind. How many taxpayer dollars are being wasted? How much money are these politicians being paid in kickbacks by industry?

Mad Hatter

Flabbergasted at our MP criticizing federal gun control law putting on the municipalities. No different than our premier putting all expenses on each municipal. Moving the goal posts Mr Chicken.

Mad Hatter

3 inconsiderate conservative Premiers don’t like to be questioned by opposition party ladies so they lash out during parliament. Do all 3 of you talk to your ladies in your family this way? If so you should all be ashamed if so.

Mad Hatter

Worse premier in alberta contemplating sales tax/carbon tax. Well guess what Mr you stopped the CT our revenue 2 years ago. Criticized federal plan. Had months to organize vaccinations & you have no plan today. Wasting our tax dollars on rich oil companies. Stop with the 6 digit salaries on failed UCP candidates.

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