Two Southern Alberta fishermen charged in illegal fishing case
VULCAN COUNTY, AB – A Lethbridge fish and wildlife patrol on September 13, to monitor fishery compliance, found several anglers with violations, including sportfishing in closed waters and unlawful possession of fish.
The patrol was at McGregor Lake and Travers Reservoir in the Vulcan District, where both water bodies have zero limits for walleye and northern pike. These limits, as well as a partial closure at Travers Reservoir, are in place to protect and conserve the vulnerable fish population.
During one investigation, three individuals were found in possession of eight illegal walleye. Two of the individuals were charged with two counts each of unlawful possession of fish. Possession limits help ensure that only a sustainable amount of fish are taken from the water. This way, population numbers don’t drop too low and are able to recover if needed.
The individuals were also charged with unlawful possession of live crayfish.