Fire pit applications

Fire pit permit applications move online

May 28, 2020 | 12:34 PM

MEDICINE HAT – The increase of people staying home these days combined with the improving weather has seen a spike in use of fire pits in the city – along with a surge in complaints about them.

But in an effort to make the process easier, the city is moving fire pit permit online while Medicine Hat Fire Department (MHFD) is providing some tips as to how to avoid issues.

“Typically, when call come in it’s a disagreement between neighbours,” said Curtis Noble, MHFD fire prevention officer. “My advice would be is be neighbourly when using your fire pit. Make sure your’re burning clean, dry wood, not burning yard waste, try to cut down on excessive smoke.”

The application for fire pit permits can be found on the City of Medicine Hat website and are required for temporary fire pits as well but not portable propane ones.

Fire pits should not be located within three metres of buildings, fences and trees.

Permits are free to apply for and, as of June 1, are good for five years.