Chapter One: The Time Has Come
Tuesday, July 25th, 2017, was one of the greatest days of my life. It was also one of the worst. On that day I realzed I was obese. I was no longer big boned, chubby, fat or any of the other ways I explained my weight problem over the years. I was obese, and something had to be done. My life had to change, or I could die.
A few days earlier the legendary, Emmy Award winning Canadian costume designer Juul Haalmeyer, who has worked with all the greats of television but is best known for what he did on the classic Canadian show SCTV, invited me to stop by his studio to, as he casually put it, “…take a picture in the LaRue…”.
For me, there was nothing casual about that offer. The “LaRue” was legendary! Known around the world, as the jacket that the late, great John Candy wore on SCTV while playing the character of Johnny LaRue in dozens of unforgettable episodes and scenes. Candy wore it in Polynesiantown and during the Street Beef Christmas Show and now I was going to wear it too.
I was beyond excited!! The opportunity to wear something John Candy had worn on my favourite television show of all time was unbelievable!! Until it hit me that I had put on so much weight over the previous few years that the “LaRue” might not actually fit me. I was so disheartened about being too fat that I went out to get something to eat so I could feel better.