Traveller’s Tales – Farewell Medicine Hat
I have been writing Traveller’s Tales for almost 3 years. Each month I’d sit at my desk, distracted by the murmurs and buzzing in the hallways around me as I tried to come up with the words for an article. It was always easy to get the words of an article out when I had just come back from an amazing adventure of some sort; whether it be the Galapagos Islands or our road trip around New Zealand. However, for much of my time, I haven’t been an explorer of the world, rather a writer sitting at her desk trying to come up with something to talk about. As time went on, I became less and less inspired by the travels of my past and began to yearn for the freedom of a travelling future.
A little over six months ago I was sitting at a family dinner with my husband’s Aunt and Uncle, world traveller’s themselves. The conversation wasn’t only easy, but it was exciting. We talked about travel books and about memorable countries. Our conversation went from wanderlust to history and had me endlessly enthused. When I got home that night, I remember thinking how that was the most exciting conversation I had had in quite some time. It was also at that moment that I realized I didn’t belong at a desk, trying to remember details of my past adventures so I could write monthly about my favourite topic in the world. I missed the feeling of adventure; of meeting new people and seeing monuments and landscapes that had only existed on the other side of my computer screen.
In case you hadn’t gathered, this will be my last Traveller’s Tales.
Shortly after that conversation at family dinner, I found myself browsing books at a store in the mall, wasting time while my husband looked at car magazines. I came across a book that I had seen on the shelf for the first time more than a year ago. I remembered reading the synopsis about this couple who quit their jobs and travelled the world. It had sounded like a cool book but for some reason, at the time I didn’t buy it. However, this evening was different. While my husband browsed for car magazines, I decided to buy The Yellow Envelope.