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Premier Kenney announces legislation to set up the Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation, L to R: Calvin Helin, Grand Chief Arthur Noskey, Minister Rick Wilson, Stephen Buffalo, Herb Lehr, Chief Billy Morin, Chief Joe Weasel Child.

Bill 14, the Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation Act

Oct 9, 2019 | 11:10 AM

EDMONTON- The UCP has introduced Bill 14 that states the government would put up $1B, along with technical and financial advice, to backstop a new Crown corporation to help Indigenous groups invest in major natural resource projects.

“Indigenous people in Alberta deserve a government that will be a true partner in creating new opportunities so that the First Nations who call this land home can take full advantage of the natural resources that enrich this province. We want to empower Indigenous communities so they can lift their people out of poverty and become full partners in prosperity.”

Jason Kenney, Premier

“For too long, we have been on the sidelines of the resource sector. This will change with the advent of the Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation. I look forward to what else it will bring.”

Chief Billy Morin, Enoch Cree Nation

“Treaty 8 lands hold some of the richest natural resources in the province. We look forward to moving together with the government to get our people involved in meaningful ways. ”

Grand Chief Arthur Noskey, Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta

Kenney says if the program were to flourish, he would look to expand it to other projects and provinces, and would press federal politicians in Ottawa to adopt something similar.

(The Canadian Press)