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John Deere tractor working in the field -- Glenn Miller

The latest Alberta Crop Report lays out mixed outcomes

Sep 4, 2019 | 8:35 AM

LETHBRIDGE — With harvest continuing, provincial crop conditions as of August 27, 2019, saw little change since the last report and are above both the 5 and 10-year averages.

The provincial average is skewed by high numbers in the central and northeast regions, compared to lower numbers found the Peace, south and northwest.

Crop conditions have been impacted by early dry conditions in the south and contrasting wet conditions in the northwest. Taking into consideration that the majority of crops are still standing, the early provincial dryland yields on major crops are projected to be 104.9% of the 5-year index and 106.3% of the 10-year index.

Conditions in the south region are as follows:

— Dryland crop ratings of 50 per cent good and excellent are below the provincial average of 67 and slightly lower than the regions 5-year average of 52 per cent. Sugar beets are 83 per cent rated as good and excellent, potatoes are at 92 followed by dry beans at 63 per cent.

— Dryland harvest progress is 24 per cent combined and 8 swathed.

— Anticipated dryland yields for major crops are below the provincial average.

— Irrigated yield estimates for spring wheat, durum and barley are all above the 5-year average while canola and sugar beets are a couple of points below. Peas, flax, potatoes, beans and mustard are in line with their 5-year average while chickpeas are 8 points behind.

— Currently 28 per cent of pastures are rated poor, 37 rated fair, and 35 per cent rated good and excellent.

— Hay poor ratings are now at 18, fair 39, with 43 per cent rated as good and excellent.

— Surface soil moisture rated as poor/fair is 63 with subsurface soil moisture rated at 70 per cent poor/fair.

More information can be found in the latest edition of the Alberta Crop Report.