Mad Hatter & Happy Hatter – July 22
Mad Hatter
Help me understand how a person seeking detox help can’t smoke cigarettes. We should be helping with their decision to detox not add to their anxiety about not being able to smoke. Isn’t this all about harm reduction?
Happy Hatter
Happy to see one of my favourite books is being made into a movie this summer! Yay!
Mad hatter
As much as I appreciate people trying to be “nice” or “polite” while on the roads of our fair city, when you have the right of way and stop to let another vehicle in the line, or someone to cross the road without a crosswalk, YOU bear the liability should there be an accident as a result. PLEASE don’t do this at the Husky intersection when turning into the light industrial area, it’s TOO DANGEROUS!
Mad Hatter
The amount of people failing to stop at stop signs or use their signal lights is absolutely disgusting. Your brakes and your signal light are not decorations.