Mad Hatter & Happy Hatter – June 13
Mad Hatter
I hate that all the car dealerships in town close at like, 6 or 7. What about the people who work until 5pm? Once we get home and grab a bite it doesn’t exactly give us much time to get across town. It’s not like they have all their pre-owned inventory online either which makes it just about impossible to find a vehicle.
Mad Hatter
I find it frustrating that a large grocery store promotes themselves by making customers collect game pieces and then giving away prizes. How about finding a way to give customers better prices for their groceries instead?
Mad Hatter
I don’t think anyone really cares if there is less frequent grass cutting. However, removing healthy shrubs is just wrong, as a method of saving in the parks department.
Mad Hatter
Apparently, we the taxpayers really just pay cops to hand out traffic tickets. None of them knows legal rights and/or don’t want to deal with a problem & the paperwork that comes with it. Every issue they tell you to go to court instead of fining or handing out tickets to troublemakers.