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Medicine Hat Board Game Guy hosting events all over the city

Jul 8, 2018 | 6:02 PM


MEDICINE HAT, AB — Now that school is out for the summer and temperatures are in the mid 30s, it can be difficult for parents to keep their kids busy.

One Medicine Hat man is doing his best to educate others piece by piece in the world of board games.

Steven Durk, better known as the Medicine Hat Board Game Guy, has been hosting events around the city teaching kids and adults new board games.

Durk says he’s had nothing but support for what he is doing and has had a lot of help from the Redcliff Pharmasave.

“A lot of the local businesses contacted me right away saying like i think what you’re doing is great, we’d love to have you to come in,” said Durk. “Essentially I’m free, I don’t charge anything.  I’m doing this for the community and just trying to connect people in our community a little bit.”

Jennifer Noble attended Saturday’s event at Remember When Retro Toy’s and says she’s always trying to incorporate board games into her two daughter’s lives.

“It was just something new we wanted to try with the kids today, get out of the house and we like board games, so i thought what a great way to spend a saturday morning,” siad Noble.

At every event Durk has a feature board game where he will teach everyone how to play before stepping aside.

He’s noticed a big impact with the development of his own kids and says they now usually choose playing a board game over TV and video games.

“Board games have helped them progress with school and understanding just simple things like colors and social skills and it’s really just beneficial to them and i just want to promote that,” said Durk.

Durk is still of a fan of video games but he thinks the human connection from playing board games is invaluable. 

Nathann Humphray has attended just about every event that Durk has hosted so far and has enjoyed learning new games and making friends.

“People can interact with new people, strangers they’ve never met before and it’s always kid friendly, from young kids to older adults. It’s good for everybody you know,” said Humphray

Durk has enjoyed every event he’s hosted so far and he didn’t realize the impact he could have on the people who attended.

“I had an individual show up and said I’m new to Medicine Hat and I don’t how to really connect with some people,” said Durk. “At that event she ended up connecting with a few other people and exchanged phone numbers after the event. She was at another event and she came up to me and she just wanted to thank me because she said now she’s staying in contact with those other people and she feels a lot more welcome to our community. All over a board game.”

After each game Durk spreads sportsmanship making sure everyone shakes hands and responds good game to each other.

If you’re interested in attending the next event you can find info on facebook, instagram, and snapchat at mhboardgameguy.