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Cleanup has already begun in Echo Dale Regional Park. (Photo Courtesy Bob Schneider)

Cleanup underway after summer storm sweeps through Echo Dale park

Jul 21, 2022 | 10:33 AM

MEDICINE HAT, AB – Monday’s sudden storm didn’t last for an extended period of time, but the aftermath is substantial. The City of Medicine Hat says Echo Dale park was one of, if not the hardest hit area within the city. Cleanup crews were deployed yesterday afternoon, but today marks the first full day the crews onsite are beginning to pick up and dispose of downed branches and damaged trees.

Initial assessments of the entire park are running at the same time as the cleanup, and early estimates have found around 60 mature trees were damaged or destroyed by the storm. That number could increase as assessments go on.

City parks says contractors were brought in from Calgary to assist the city in the cleanup process. In addition to contractors, city electric is currently onsite to restore power and repair downed lines. Electricity workers are prioritizing power to both the park’s irrigation system and boat lake in order to get them back online.

Scott Richter, acting director of city parks, says there were only a handful of people in the park when the storm began to pass through and everyone was able to evacuate before any further damage could occur.

Photo Courtesy Bob Schneider

While crews continue their assessment and cleanup of the park, Richter is reminding those who may be curious about the damage to stay off the park grounds until the green light has been given to reopen.

“We are asking people to stay off the trails out to Echo Dale as well, just because there is down trees and potential of trees that could still drop based on the initial assessments,” Richter says. “Just steer clear of the area for now, and we’ll work our hardest to get it opened up as soon as we can.”

Richter estimates it will take crews about a week before a decision is made to reopen the park to the public once again. Updates on the storm and cleanup can be found on the city’s Facebook page.

Photo Courtesy Bob Schneider