COUNCIL DIVIDED: The latest on council's leadership crisis and divisions since sanctions were placed on the mayor.

Mad Hatter & Happy Hatter – March 17

Mar 17, 2022 | 4:25 AM

Mad Hatter

Canadians really need to think what freedom really is. Coming from a war torn country that you are afraid to go out of your home, where guns are everywhere, Canadians are afraid a little needle and a vaccine mandate, seriously? Move to a country under a true dictatorship and then you will know how free you were.

Mad Hatter

All that money donated to this protest should go to all the businesses and people impacted by it. Those working living in that area deserve better.

Mad Hatter

If you do not like how the province and federal government handled the mandates and vaccination requirements you are FREE to move to another country that aligns with your beliefs more. You are FREE to move.

Mad Hatter

Who takes a protest vacation and expects others to flip the bill. If you didn’t have the money to go you do not go, you shouldn’t expect others to hand you free money.

Mad Hatter

Instead of the Premier making another failed court case, why not help Albertans out on these outrageous utilities.

Happy Hatter

I am fully vaccinated. I am not a sheep (mind you sheep stay with the flock for protection and not be easy prey for carnivores), I care about the health and safety of others and myself. I believe vaccinations worked for a multitude of other viruses such as chicken pox, polio. Are they perfect or guaranteed? Absolutely not, but then again there are no guarantees or perfection in anything in life. Would I rather have some protection than none, absolutely.

Happy Hatter

Finally Ottawa is simmered down and my Ottawa central friends can get their lives back. No more diesel fuels, yelling, the horns, fireworks, and no more abuse from those so called protesters. They lived in this hell. I hope they win the lawsuit.

Mad Hatter

How much is this useless legal challenge costing us? Albertans see this challenge as a frivolous use of our hard earned money! May I remind you that you hold no university degree of any kind…

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