COUNCIL DIVIDED: The latest on council's leadership crisis and divisions since sanctions were placed on the mayor.

Mad Hatter & Happy Hatter – February 24

Feb 24, 2022 | 3:00 AM

Mad Hatter

At one point, the Finance Minister suggested nurses were putting their needs ahead of their patients’ by pushing to resume collective bargaining during the COVID-19 pandemic. How arrogant for a finance minister to say to AB taxpayers!!!

Happy Hatter

I’m a Happy Hatter because of the amazing volunteers at the Veiner Centre! As an employee there, we could not function without them between reception, the Bistro and Meals on Wheels… and everything in between! They are so appreciated!! Thank you for all that you do!

Mad Hatter

The only good thing about the lockdowns has been those creepy people hanging around schoolyards and playgrounds taking pictures and videos with their smartphones no longer have access to their targets. It may be legal but that doesn’t make it right, moral, or ethical.

Happy Hatter

Ecstatic the westerners convoy are supporting the economy in Ottawa this weekend. Good job. If you were paying attention all mandates are brought on by our Premier. Just putting that out there. Oh never mind he didn’t consult us taxpayers till it blows up in his face and then squirms. Just get vaccinated. Stop embarrassing us Albertans.

Mad Hatter

Bill 41 has raised taxi drivers insurance up to $1500 or more. Ours raised $150 for 2 vehicles (1996/2005). Voters pay attention to this province disadvantages UCP has brought on. Electric cap removed. Dental raised. Camping fees. Gas prices. Food prices. You name it, it has skyrocketed under this Premier. Provincial political staff wages. Property taxes.

Happy Hatter

I am fully vaccinated and boosted. No, I don’t know “what’s in it”. Neither this vaccine nor the ones I had as a child. Nor do I know exactly what’s in ibuprofen or any other painkiller – they just treat my headaches and pains. I do not know what is in tattoo ink, Botox or every ingredient in shampoo or deodorants. I do not know the long term effect of mobile phone use. I do not know if restaurant used clean food or clean hands. But life is short. I am vaccinated not because I am a sheep or to please government. I just do not want to die from Covid, get hospitalized with it, not be able to travel. I am vaccinated for me and wear a mask for you.

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