Yvonne Sissons
With three young children of her own, Yvonne Sissons wants to be a voice for parents.
She believes a parental voice on the Medicine Hat Public School Division board of trustees is vital to a diverse representation of viewpoints and ideas. She feels she can be approachable, accessible and present to hear concerns from parents and teachers.
As a parent, she has a vested interest in the success of public schools and high-calibre education for all students.
She also supports special programming, such as quality second language learning, that enriches the educational experience of students and creates opportunities for future success.
Sissons has made Medicine Hat her home with her husband and children for the past 10 years. She has been actively involved for the past six years with the Au Chapeau Preschool at Ecole Connaught School, where her children attend. Prior to moving to Medicine Hat she worked as a Registered Nurse at the Alberta Children’s Hospital and worked at a long-term care home in Guelph, Ont.
- Social Media : https://www.facebook.com/VoteYvonneSissons
- Website : https://candidates.vote4kids.ca/yvonne-sissons/
- Candidate Type Trustee : Medicine Hat Public School Board Trustee