Jay Hitchen
Jay Hitchen is a long time professional communicator and business owner.
He is a dedicated volunteer and youth sports coach.
Hitchen says he is a strong supporter of the river district redevelopment and is committed to a viable and growing transit system.
He would like to see closed door meetings restricted to only those that are required by the Municipal Government Act.
Hitchen also wants to ensure a proper study with public input around Invest Medicine Hat.
Source: Jay Hitchen for Medicine Hat Council
- Candidate Type : Councillor Candidate
- Social Media : https://www.facebook.com/JDH4YXH
- Website : https://jayhitchen.wixsite.com/jdh4yxh
- Written Interview : https://growthzonesitesprod.azureedge.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/1308/2021/10/Jay-Hitchen.pdf