Dick Mastel
Dick Mastel is seeking another term on the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education board of trustees.
He points to the current board’s track record of supporting forward-thinking ideas such as the wellness program at St. Francis Xavier, the STREAM program at Mother Teresa and the technology program at Notre Dame as empowering schools to pursue new ideas as recent successes.
He says the primary objective of the division must be to provide a faith-based education and that Catholic trustees must be Catholic and believe that there is a relationship between the home, school and the church.
He says that in his 11 years as a trustee he has repeatedly spoken out against those who want to stop public funding for Catholic schools.
Mastel says he will best support Catholic education by being a role model for Catholic living, being visible in the community and church.
Source: https://www.mhcbe.ab.ca/board/candidates2021
- Website : https://www.mhcbe.ab.ca/board/candidates2021
- Candidate Type Trustee : Medicine Hat Catholic School Board Trustee