David Leahy
At the completion of his first four-year term as a school board trustee, David Leahy says he’s a straight shooter who is not afraid to ask tough questions or challenge long-standing practices.
He says he decided to run for a second term to bring his experience and passion to a swath of issues.
Leahy says the curriculum changes proposed by the province will not improve education in Alberta and says the proposed changes must be withdrawn. The upcoming changes to the 7-12 curriculum should also be put on hold.
He says the amount of money put into the Religious Education Budget must be increased to put more resources into providing catechesis for teachers as more and more of them don’t have sufficient background knowledge to teach Catholic education.
He wants to see through the building of the Sisters of St. Louis Center, a theatre and a physical literacy space at Monsignor McCoy High School.
He says financial accountability to the public must be increased and MHCBE needs an Audit Committee immediately.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/DavidLeahyMedicineHatCatholicSchoolTrustee
- Social Media : https://www.facebook.com/DavidLeahyMedicineHatCatholicSchoolTrustee
- Candidate Type Trustee : Medicine Hat Catholic School Board Trustee