COUNCIL DIVIDED: The latest on council's leadership crisis and divisions since sanctions were placed on the mayor.
OTTAWA - Canada could get more than one million additional doses of COVID-19 vaccine by the end of March through a global vaccine sharing initiative known as COVAX. But as with most things COVID-19, v...
Regan Tate Feb 03, 2021
LETHBRIDGE, AB - All Albertans are now eligible to receive funding while self-isolating in their own home.Prior to Monday's announcement, this was only available to those in the Edmonton and Calgary H...
Regan Tate Feb 01, 2021
OTTAWA - International Trade Minister Mary Ng says European leaders have given multiple promises that new export controls on COVID-19 vaccines won't stop Canada's vaccine shipments. But Ng told MPs at...
Regan Tate Feb 01, 2021
WINNIPEG - The Winnipeg Jets have cancelled their practice today due to a potential exposure to COVID-19. The NHL team did not provide further details and said information regarding their schedule for...
Regan Tate Jan 16, 2021
EDMONTON - Alberta Premier Jason Kenney has ordered all cabinet ministers and senior government officials not to travel outside Canada unless it's for government business. He says he made an error by ...
Regan Tate Jan 02, 2021
MEDICINE HAT, AB - The man responsible for the death of Dustin Ironquil was sentenced to eight-years in a federal penitentiary for manslaughter Friday during an emotional day for the friends and famil...
Regan Tate Oct 23, 2020
MEDICINE HAT AB,- It started off as just a day to get together with friends, but it quickly evolved. About 20 people, all friends, teed off at the Desert Blume Golf Course Saturday to raise money for ...
Regan Tate Sep 19, 2020
MEDICINE HAT, AB - Seven Medicine Hat men have started a new social media page as a safe place to discuss men's mental health and to share their stories. Organizers say The Inner Man Project is the br...
Regan Tate Sep 16, 2020
MEDICINE HAT, AB - A former staff member at Crescent Height High School died by suicide on Monday. According to his Facebook page, the former teacher had struggled with mental illness. He had posts ta...
Regan Tate Sep 15, 2020
MEDICINE HAT, AB - It will be more subdued than usual but Medicine Hat College is still celebrating Pride Week. The week kicked off at 9 a.m. Monday with the raising of the Pride flag at the college a...
Regan Tate Sep 14, 2020