Medicine Hat city staff back creating arms-length energy corporation, rates committee
Medicine Hat staff are recommending the city develop a plan to establish an arms-length energy business corporation and take steps to create a utility rates review committee, in support of the suggestions made through a third-party review.
Staff will also revisit its current state natural gas production business plan with an aim to further minimize losses and optimize value, and if appropriate, to accelerate retirement or sale of its natural gas assets, as proposed in the audit.
KPMG, who conducted a $590,000 third-party review requested by city council in 2023, proposed Medicine Hat spin off its electricity and natural gas businesses into a municipally-controlled corporation similar to EPCOR Utilities in Edmonton or ENMAX in Calgary.
The city would own 100 per cent of the shares of the MCC and appoint its board of directors, which in turn would make energy business decisions separate from council.