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A public hearing on the off-site levy bylaw will take place in August. File Photo/CHAT News

Medicine Hat schedules public hearing on infrastructure levy

Jul 5, 2024 | 2:24 PM

Medicine Hat has scheduled a public hearing on its off-site levy bylaw after council approval on Tuesday, part of the city’s process to update the fees paid to connect city infrastructure to new developments.

The off-site levy is a one-time payment to build payment to build the sewers and roads for a development that isn’t already serviced, explained city engineer Conrad Westerson.

“That infrastructure would include water mains, sanitary sewer lines, roads for transportation and storm sewers for specific areas tat are being developed,” Westerson said Friday.

“Off-site means that it’s not actually within the development itself; it’s those services that need to be provided to the development to allow them to be able to grow inside their development,” he added.

The levy is a one-time charge to the developer paid to the city to get that infrastructure in place.

While the city has already garnered some feedback on the updates to the bylaw, council asked staff go a bit further.

“They just wanted to have a little more transparency and it’s their prerogative to do so, and we’re happy to help,” Westerson told CHAT News.

The non-statutory public hearing on the off-site levy bylaw is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on Aug. 19 in the council chambers.