COUNCIL DIVIDED: The latest on council's leadership crisis and divisions since sanctions were placed on the mayor.

Mad Hatter & Happy Hatter – July 28

Jul 28, 2022 | 3:00 AM

Mad Hatter

IF you want to people to drive fast and use signal lights, why do you live in Medicine Hat?

Mad Hatter

The UCP leader has taken a long time to figure out that consumers are being gouged at the pumps! Another investigation costing taxpayers money…. I would almost suspect that the present UCP is in the pocket of the gasoline retailers.

Mad Hatter

Isn’t it really strange when someone in government asks why Albertans are paying such high gas prices then… magically… SHAZAM, they drop. The government needs to find out which dirt-bags were reaping in the huge profits and whack them with a large hammer. There’s always got to be a pig at the trough.

Mad Hatter

Supply chain issues caused the cancellation of a pancake breakfast? Really? No other breakfasts were cancelled. What’s the real reason?

Mad Hatter

As much as I love summer, I hate construction season more. I just want to be able to get where I’m going without taking 5 detours…

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