COUNCIL DIVIDED: The latest on council's leadership crisis and divisions since sanctions were placed on the mayor.

Mad Hatter & Happy Hatter – July 21

Jul 21, 2022 | 10:54 AM

Mad Hatter

In Redcliff, destructive, now dangerous deer are running around and with dual young deer. That’s all we need to an already overrun rat town. Welcome to Ratcliff, rat capital of the prairies.

Mad Hatter

Grocery stores are completely gouging us: $17.50 SALE for a case of tomato soup. $5.99 SALE for small jar of mayo. 200%+ more than a year ago. And the list goes on.

Mad Hatter

I will be tickled pink when an at-present retirement villa transitions to a hotel and it fails and costs you big bucks. Karma for you money grubbers!!

Happy Hatter

So glad power is getting restored and trees being moved from roads. The storm this week was insane, so it’s nice to be working towards returning to normal (whatever that is these days…)

Mad Hatter

People seriously need to learn how to read speed limit signs. I’m tired of getting stuck behind people going 70 in a 100 zone. Driving too slowly can cause accidents also!!

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