Ex-Patriot Matt Light loses bid for school committee seat
FOXBOROUGH, Mass. (AP) — Former New England Patriots offensive lineman Matt Light has been blocked in his bid to win a seat on the Foxborough School Committee.
Light, who had been critical of school mask mandates and other health restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic, finished third in Monday’s election in a four-way race for two open seats.
Light, 43, got 1,137 votes, according to unofficial results posted on the town’s website. Board Chair Robert Canfield III and fellow incumbent Brent Ruter, who both supported masking requirements, got 1,792 and 1,710 votes respectively.
Light, who was on three Super Bowl-winning teams during an 11-year NFL career with the Patriots from 2001 until 2011, has four children who have either gone through or are enrolled in the town’s schools.