COUNCIL DIVIDED: The latest on council's leadership crisis and divisions since sanctions were placed on the mayor.

Mad Hatter & Happy Hatter – April 11

Apr 11, 2022 | 4:11 PM

Mad Hatter

I do not understand why the city doesn’t allow us to use the green bins to compost not just for yard waste. If other cities in Alberta allow it there is zero excuse for Medicine Hat

Happy Hatter

I am happy to mask and go shopping, it doesn’t really matter what others think.

Mad Hatter

Transit does NOT service Brier Park, Box Springs Business Park, or Ranchlands at all and doesn’t completely service Riverside either.

Happy Hatter

That so many people are still wearing masks.

Mad Hatter

How is it a corrupt leader/his party can govern our province for 3 years while been investigated by RCMP? Should of been sidelined till it’s done & publicized.

Mad Hatter

The City of Medicine Hat must toughen up it’s Bylaw Enforcement Program! They need to start holding people accountable for their blatant disregard of bylaws in force in this city. Too many violators are given warnings, yet many of these people are repeat offenders. The Bylaw Enforcement Program needs to start issuing fines for infractions, and they need to follow up and ensure that the offender is following the bylaws. No more slaps on the wrist, and no more letting things slide. Imagine how much money the City would be taking in if they actually followed through and issued these fines as frequently as these infractions were occurring. Roaming cats is a huge, growing problem, not to mention the damage they continue to cause to private property; holiday trailers are parked on city streets (on jacks) with cords running over sidewalks for power; and back alleys that have been ignored for years where trees are overgrown, weeds are 8 feet tall, fences are falling over along with junk piled high (unsightly property)….these are some of the biggest concerns this time of year because there are so many violators. The City of Medicine Hat needs to hear the people and get the Bylaw Enforcement Program into gear. It’s only March and already there are numerous holiday trailers parked illegally on streets throughout the city – it looks like a campground in some areas. Now is the time to get this Bylaw Enforcement sweep underway. It can’t be ignored any longer.

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