Quebec comedian Mike Ward facing new legal action for joke about disabled singer
MONTREAL — A Quebec comedian who won a high-profile Supreme Court of Canada human rights case last year is once again being taken to court by his accusers.
Mike Ward is being sued in separate actions in Quebec Superior Court and provincial court for a total of $372,600 in connection with a joke he made between 2010 and 2013 about trying to drown a well-known singer with a disability who was a teenager at the time.
The singer, Jérémy Gabriel, and his mother, Sylvie Gabriel, claim they both suffered significant harm following a comedy tour by Ward, which featured a joke at the expense of the young man with Treacher Collins syndrome, a congenital condition characterized by deformities of the skull and face.
In 2016, Quebec’s human rights tribunal ordered Ward to pay $35,000 in damages to JérémyGabriel and $7,000 to his mother based on the remarks. But that case went to the Supreme Court, pitting artistic expression, in the form of dark comedy, against the protection of one’s dignity.