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PRO Tips by Bryton Wilson

Cluttered House? 6 Ways to Combat Clutter in Your Home!

Nov 22, 2021 | 9:44 AM

Well, it’s here. As I sit and write this blog I can hear the cold wind howling outside which means winter and the end of a crazy 2020. As we move towards spending more time indoors, I think it is a great time to de-clutter those storage rooms and closets that seem to always be full of random boxes full of things we “may need down the road”. My family too, we have a hard time letting go of certain items because we may use them in the future. Here are seven tips to help you either de-clutter or organize your needed clutter in a better way.

1) Add Shelves – If your home is cluttered adding more furniture isn’t going to help. Instead of adding a desk or bookshelf, install some easy wall shelving. This simple task will add room for books, picture frames, or even a TV without cluttering your home with more furniture!

2) Garage Storage – Make your garage your main storage area. Use old dressers and other furniture to store seasonal items and items you don’t use daily. Paint that old furniture the same color to create a unified, useable storage area out of the way!

3) Get Rid of Broken Items – There’s no point in keeping items that are broken or unused, they’re just taking up valuable space in your home and odds are you’re never going to repair those items anyway. If you haven’t used an item or tried to fix the item in the past six months, it’s probably a good time to donate or dispose of that item.

4) Use Things Up – It’s a habit (me too) to save special items for those special occasions, whether it’s an expensive spice from your in-laws or a fancy bath soap you haven’t found the right time to use. Stop saving these items, use and enjoy them now! Use up these items in your home before you go out and buy similar products, this will help keep your clutter at bay.

5) The 12-12-12 Challenge – This challenge is a simple project to add to your spring cleaning or winter turnover routine. Clean and organize by choosing 12 items to throw away, 12 items to donate, and 12 to return to a proper place in your home. Doing this quarterly or twice a year will help you organize, declutter and also donate to those who may need those items more than you all at the same time! Check out for more great information!

6) Deal With One Room at a Time – Don’t get overwhelmed and try and declutter the entire house in one day. Organize and declutter one room or one floor of the house at a time. Doing this will destress the situation, and make it easier for you and your family to focus on the task in front of you. Don’t overwhelm yourself, deal with it step by step.

These tips can help if you’re looking to get your home ready for the market, or just want to organize and clean up before the holiday season. Take it slow and easy, taking care of them on whatever schedule works best for you. Soon you will have more space than you will know what to do with, and if you follow these tips and still need more space, give me a call and I’d love to help you find a home with extra storage!

Happy November!