Mural aims to give hope to the community
MEDICINE HAT, AB- Along 2nd street SE at the edge of The Hat’s Olive Tap, freshly opened cans of blue, green, and black paint lay open. Volunteers unwrap the paint rollers and pour the saturated colours onto the paint tray. With a push of a hand, the paint rollers dive in, quickly losing their pure white aesthetic, and turning into a new colour. As the paint is rolled and pressed onto the cement wall it’s purpose is solidified.
Along the wall, the words, ‘ You have a hope and a future’ are etched in neon green and pink. A bright reminder to passerby’s in the community, that a thing called hope still exists.
“Sometimes life can be tough right now, you don’t know it you can’t see far ahead but, you have to be reminded that you do have a future, life’s not always going to be like this. It’s not always going to be tough, you are going to go through, you are going to make it” said Jeff Goring.