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Swirls Ice Cream remains open in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, serving up sweet treats to residents daily.

Swirls: Serving up a scoop of joy in the middle of a pandemic one ice cream at a time

Apr 19, 2020 | 6:54 PM

MEDICINE HAT AB- It’s a Medicine Hat delicacy, and for over 35 years Swirls Ice Cream has been serving up smiles one treat at a time.

“It’s kind of a Medicine Hat tradition. We always say that our customers kind of own the store we are just kind of the caretakers of it.” said owner of 17 years, Marc Westby.

On a hot summer day, the line at their location on 4th Street SW is hard to miss.

In the middle of a pandemic, people are still eager to get a taste of the sweet treats.

“I would have to say it is a comfort food for people. We have had so many people say to us it is so nice to just have something normal in our world, ” Westby said.

The business closed for a few weeks at the beginning of the pandemic, but after seeking the advice of their health inspector, they developed a plan to follow health protocols and ensure social distancing.

“We put up some barricades and things and markings down on the pavement and people really police themselves more than we would ever have to,” Westby said.

The smell of sugar and cream is evident from the moment you stand in line.

Behind the counter is employees like Taryn Boschee.

” The thing I love most about serving ice cream is I feel like everybody that gets ice cream is really happy about it, so it is always a very positive experience.” Boschee said ,adding it’s an opportunity to give a piece of joy to people in a period of uncertainty one ice- cream at a time.

Dogs are also fans of the sweet treats, with two of them licking up the sugary goodness– cone included when CHAT NEWS Today visited the iconic location Sunday afternoon.

When asked about what makes a great ice-cream, Westby said it is all about ingredients.

“The secret to such great ice-cream is it is actually ice-cream. It is not a substitute. So it is the real thing, it is real dairy and that is something we would never change,” Westby said.

There are about 100 different ice-cream combinations possible at Swirls, according to Westby and while the recipe hasn’t changed, they have added a few new additions inspired by food shows attended by Westby and his wife.

And with decades behind them, and a name familiar to most Medicine Hat locals Westby added his greatest gratitude for the community’s support throughout all these years.

” We are just so grateful for our customers we never take them for granted. We know that without them we don’t have a business and we don’t have a livelihood and this is how our family earns our living so we are always appreciative,” he said.