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South Zone COVID-19 Testing

Testing numbers low in South Zone but residents following medical advice

Apr 1, 2020 | 2:13 PM

MEDICINE HAT, AB – Alberta Health Services’ South Zone has largely been spared from the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 being seen in other parts of the province. But it is also the zone with the least amount of testing conducted on a per capita basis in Alberta.

As of Tuesday’s daily update, the South Zone has had 2,381 individuals tested of the more than 300,000 residents. Twelve people are confirmed to be infected with the coronavirus.

But the percentage of the population tested in the South Zone is about 15 per cent less than the two other rural zones — the North and Central Zones. The difference is even more pronounced when comparing to the Calgary and Edmonton regions.

South Zone Medical Officer of Health Dr. Lizette Elumir says there is no specific reason for this situation but AHS in the region continues to be focused on testing health-care providers, those in congregate living situations and those considered to be high-risk or vulnerable.

“But for those who have mild symptoms, we’re recommending they go home and stay home for 10 days,” said Elumir. “There are probably a lot of families or a lot of people who are following guidance – they are social distancing and staying home if they have mild symptoms.”

And Elumir was emphatic in stating, “testing is happening,” and highlighted both Medicine Hat and Lethbridge are doing drive-through testing.

“But they are being done in an appropriate way according to risk,” she added.

Elumir thanks those in the South Zone for following the advice of medical staff by staying home if they have mild symptoms and physically distancing themselves.

“For all those people, we’re thanking them and saying thank you for ensuring our health-care system is seeing the people who need to be seen,” said Elumir.