22 new cases of COVID-19 in Alberta
Twenty-two additional cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed, bringing the total number of cases in the province to 119. One of the suspected cases is here in Medicine Hat. Aggressive public health measures continue in order to help limit the spread of COVID-19.
Latest updates
- Cases have been identified in all zones across the province:
- 83 cases in the Calgary zone
- 27 cases in the Edmonton zone
- Four cases in the North zone
- Three cases in the Central zone
- Two cases in the South zone
- Of these cases, six are currently hospitalized, with three admitted to intensive care units (ICU).
- Aggregate data, showing cases by age range and zone, as well as by local geographical areas, is available online at alberta.ca/covid19.
- Multiple cases of COVID-19 have been reported from attendees at the Pacific Dental Conference held in Vancouver March 5 to 7.
- Individuals who attended the conference should self-isolate immediately for 14 days from the conclusion of the conference.
- Individuals who attended the conference and who currently have symptoms should stay home, self-isolate and call Health Link at 811 to arrange for testing and further instructions. Do not go to the hospital or your doctor for
- All non-urgent scheduled and elective surgeries in Alberta are being postponed. Alberta Health Services will be contacting Albertans scheduled for procedures and will reschedule as soon as possible. Urgent and emergency surgery, as well as oncology and scheduled caesarean (C-section) procedures will continue.
- All non-emergency dental treatment and services are also suspended at this time. Emergency dental treatment will continue.
- A tip sheet on social distancing is available to help Albertans understand ways to minimize close contact with others in community settings.
- Mass gathering limitations and restrictions around public recreation and private entertainment facilities remain in place across the province.
- Effective March 23, and until further notice, all Alberta Transportation Safety Board hearings will be held by telephone or video link. There will be no in-person hearings. Albertans who are currently scheduled for an upcoming hearing will be contacted about how their hearing will proceed.
- Effective March 18, all ski hills, including passenger ropeways like gondolas and chairlifts, are closed until further notice under the Safety Codes Act.