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Mad Hatter & Happy Hatter – December 2

Dec 2, 2019 | 8:48 AM

Mad Hatter

At the deceit, corruption and cover-ups that run deep throughout this city. Just sweep things under the City rug; deny, lie and ignore serious issues. It’s been this way for years and will only get worse. Too many ignorant cowards “running the show”.

Mad Hatter

It’s sickening and disgusting at how many pedophiles, creeps and sex offenders walk free in this city. Put them in jail where they belong so they can’t ruin anymore innocent lives.

Mad Hatter

Poor oil and gas workers! What about the grain farmers? What about dairy farmers? What about mill workers? What about the coal workers? What about the fishery industry workers? What about the auto workers? When oil and gas was booming and bonuses large, did those poor oil and gas workers save for a rainy day or spend it like there was money where that came from. Oil and gas industry isn’t the only one that have suffered over the years.

Mad Hatter

AHS seems to always lay-off or do cuts of front line workers. Do they really need CIO, CEO, directors, managers, managers under managers, supervisors, team leads. Seems a lot of layers before getting to front line staff. Maybe they need less layers and leave front line workers alone.

Mad Hatter

Alberta voted for all these cuts. When there are longer wait times for hip replacements, back surgery, eye surgery, knee replacement think of the cuts you voted for. When you need to pay for home care services or family members take on the extra care it was voted for. Plus all the increases in insurance, utilities, and income tax (no increase in exemption is an hidden increase). Alberta voted for it. Is Kenney really helping Albertans?

Mad Hatter

Did you know a cashier for the city of Medicine Hat has a start rate of 25.00 and job rate of $28.00? They get one week of family sick leave. AHS lab assistant makes less with no family sick leave. One deals with cash and another deals with your confidential health care record and your health.

Mad Hatter

I have a sick cat on this weekend, phoned every Vet in town, all advertise Emergency calls on weekends. They all had excuses like, not your own Vet or out of town or leave an e-mail, no diagnostic test done. What kind of crap is this, so hope my Cat lives long enough till morning. That is false advertising as far as I am concerned.

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