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Aggy Days in Raymond is set for this Saturday, Sept. 21 (Photo: Raymond and District Ag Society on Facebook)

Raymond Aggy Days to shine spotlight on safety

Sep 19, 2019 | 5:15 PM

RAYMOND, AB – It’s a big day in Raymond this Saturday.

The Raymond and District Agricultural Society hosts Aggy Days, with this year’s theme being ‘Youth Farm Safety’. However, lessons won’t solely be geared towards youth.

Society President Bob Stewart said they not only want to raise safety awareness among younger attendees, but also adults from different sectors.

“Basically, what we’re trying to strive for is not only country people but we’re looking for the city people, too. For example, we’re going to have a petting zoo but there’s dangers of e coli around live animals. City people aren’t accustomed to that…we’re going to talk about safety even in your health and things like that. Food safety is going to be a big thing, too,” Stewart told Lethbridge News Now.

Director Dale Jorgensen added they’ll also cover safety around vehicles like quads, in addition to various equipment and hazards directly linked to working and living on a farm.

“I guess, too many times we don’t think before we do things. Often times the consequences are worse than what we want, so we have to be familiar with the equipment and things that we’re working with and try to use common sense and try to be safe,” he remarked.

Stewart added that there will be demonstrations on safety around large animals with Joel Lybbert and the Raymond Irrigation District will be on hand to talk about bridge jumping.

“They’re going to talk about the dangers of bridge jumping, which everybody does in Southern Alberta, but there is a danger to it, so that’s just another aspect we’re looking at,” he said.

“The Lethbridge Model Railroad Club is coming out and stressing safety at railroad crossings and safety around the trains, the cars and everything dealing with railroads,” Jorgensen added.


The event is free to attend. Entry to a pancake breakfast on Saturday morning will only cost a toonie, with money raised going to the Raymond 4-H Club.

“We’re supplying the breakfast, they’re doing [serving] it and they get the money from it. They need help as much as everybody,” Stewart said.

In addition, Aggy Days will have a pioneer village “focusing on yesteryear”, with carting, knitting, and spinning demonstrations, among others.

“We’re going to have some sheep shorn while we’re there, and the ladies are going to spin that into wool and make a pair of socks, or a coat or whatever it ends up as at the end of the day. We’re going to have mini chuckwaggon races at noon, cowboy poetry the Saturday evening,” Jorgensen said.

The UFA’s (United Farmers of Alberta) Farm Safety Trailer will be on display, and the Ag Society has arranged for the handi-bus to transport seniors and those with special needs to the various events.

The Raymond Ag Society will also be at Raymond Elementary School on Friday, Sept. 20 for a live and interactive farm safety demonstration.

For more details on the weekend fun, visit or visit the event’s Facebook page. Aggy Days will take place at 98 East Park Street in Raymond from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Saturday.