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Purple ribbons have been placed around Medicine Hat for Overdose Awareness Day (Photo by Colton McKee)
Overdose Awareness

Drug Coalition trying to end addiction stigma with Overdose Awareness Day

Aug 28, 2019 | 12:18 PM

Medicine Hat, AB – The Medicine Hat Drug Coalition is hosting it’s second annual Overdose Awareness Day this Thursday downtown.

“We want to bring the community together to support those who have lost somebody to overdose and allow them to have that time to remember people.” Said Christa Schmidt, the coalition’s coordinator.

Schmidt says that there will be a free BBQ, live music, and a talk from an Indigenous Elder.

As well, there will be a candlelight vigil to remember those who have passed away from an overdose and an open mic.

“Whether it’s about somebody they’ve lost to overdose, a story about their addiction, however that looks. To give people the opportunity to tell their story.” Schmidt said.

Schmidt says a major focus of the day is to help end the stigma around drug addiction and overdoses.

“I’m sure everybody knows that there is an opioid crisis going on. And we are losing a lot of people to drug overdose. So it’s important for those families to know that they have support from people.” She continued. “Overdose does not discriminate. It can happen to anybody.”

Schmidt says that HIV community link will be there to give naloxone training talk about harm reduction.

“We hope to give out lots and lots of kits tomorrow for that. Because it is important that everybody carries one with them because you never know.” She said.

The event takes place August 29th from 5-9 p.m. at the giant chess set near the library.

“We just wanted to bring the community together. And I think the location that we’ve picked is ideal because it will be right smack dab in the middle of everybody in town.” Schmidt explained.

Schmidt says that they are still looking for volunteers to help with the event.

Those able to help can email